Network, Inventory and Register

The Netherlands signed the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2012. Our country hereby accepted the obligation to inventory the intangible cultural heritage within its territory.

Three circles

Intangible cultural heritage in The Netherlands is made visible in three circles. Next to making it visible, its aim is to support intangible heritage communities in keeping their heritage up-to-date and suited for the future. The communities, groups and individuals themselves register their ICH. Read more about the three circles below.


Netwerk, Inventaris en Register

Network of Intangible Cultural Heritage

The ICH Network provides an overview of ICH that people submitted online. 

The largest circle is called the ICH Network. It consists of all the people involved as well as the practitioners of intangible cultural heritage in the Netherlands. They can register and make a profile with their own account, on the website

The objective of the Network is to make all manifestations of intangible cultural heritage throughout the Netherlands visible and to promote mutual cooperation and exchange.

 Read the procedure and criteria to register for the Network here.

Inventory Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands

The Inventory provides a broad overview of ICH inscribed by communities or practitioners who drew up a safeguarding plan and who commited to actively safeguarding their ICH.

Within the wide Network there is a smaller circle, consisting of people involved and practitioners of ICH who are committed to active safeguarding of the heritage they identify with and for which they are willing to make a safeguarding plan. They wish to inscribe their heritage into the Inventory Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands and in a more active way cooperate in safeguarding with other communities, groups and individuals who have entered their heritage into the Inventory.

The Safeguarding and Public Awareness Team offers support in writing a safeguarding plan. Every two years the safeguarding of the ICH on the Inventory is monitored. Inclusion in the Network is a precondition for inscription in the

Read the procedure and the criteria inscription on the Inventory here.

Register of Inspiring Examples of Safeguarding

The Register provides an overview of inspiring examples of safeguarding

The third circle shows a number of good examples of safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage on the Inventory: a Register of Inspiring Examples of Safeguarding. This third circle is, as it were, the shop window of the Inventory. The practitioners are prepared to share their safeguarding measures with others.

Click here to read more on the procedure and criteria for inscription in the Register.

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