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Foundation Knowledge Center Intangible Heritage Netherlands
PO Box 649, 6800 AP Arnhem
Hoeferlaan 4, 6816 SG Arnhem
T +31 (0)26 357 61 13

The Knowledge Center comes under the Dutch Open Air Museum in Arnhem. Management and supervision are therefore equal to the museum.

Staff members Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage


Joop Bergervoet

Project staff members

  • Miranda (M.) van der Lit / Miforyou Styling, Image database Inventory of ICH in the Netherlands
  • Elise (E.) Meier / EMzovoort, safeguarding monitoring 
  • Edith (E.) van Wordragen, support safeguarding monitoring  

Supervisory Board

  • Prof. dr. Paul Schnabel (President), Professor University Utrecht, Member of Senate
  • Drs. Chris Breedveld, Director of the Kings's office
  • Y. (Yasemin) Cegerek, Alderman municipality Heerde
  • Drs. Engelhardt (E.M.) Robbe RA, Chief Quality Officer and member of the board Deloitte Nederland
  • R.P. (Patricia) Hoytink-Roubos, Mayor municipality Overbetuwe, vice president VNG Gelderland
  • Ineke (J.G.) Stam, commissionar/supervisor, consultant and executive coach
  • Drs. Rian (A.S.M.) Vreeburg, Director Assistance ANWB

Advisory Board

  • Yvonne (Y.) van der Zee (President), Director/supervisor and consultant in the cultural sector
  • Dr. Paul (P.J.M.) Bastiaansen, Physicist, Chairman Corso Association
  • Drs. Marielies (M.E.W.) Schelhaas, Secretary General Dutch UNESCO Commission
  • Dr. Hendrik (H.) Henrichs, Emeritus Professor of Cultural History Utrecht University
  • Frans (F.) Schouten MSc, Associate Professor Visitor Management
  • Ruben (R.) Severina , Consultant Municipality Den Haag, chairman Stichting Splika
  • Drs. Patrick (P.J.G.M.) Timmermans, Managing director Erfgoed Brabant

Review Committee Inventory Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands

  • Dr. Hendrik Henrichs (President), Emeritus Professor of Cultural History Utrecht University
  • Drs. Marieke (M.A.) Brugman, Policy coordinator Dutch UNESCO Commission
  • Drs. Arjen (A.H.A.G.) Kok, Senior researcher museum sector at Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed
  • Hanneke (H.) Kramer MA, Independent textile restorer and conservation advisor
  • Jana Kerremans, Staff member Workshop Intangible Cultural Heritage (Belgium)
  • Drs. Wim Manuhutu, Historian and specialist in heritage, culture and diversity
  • Drs. Angelo (A.L.Th.) Tromp, Cultural entrepreneur and fundraiser

 Feedback group from intangible cultural heritage communities

  • Norbert van Berckel, Driekoningen ‘s-Hertogenbosch
  • Drs. Patrick Cramers, Circuscultuur
  • Drs. Cor (C.N.) Crans, Cultuur van het pijproken
  • Boukje van Ettro, Brabantsedag Heeze
  • Drs. Frans Jansen, Kortebaandraverij Stompwijk
  • Han Knol, Corso Vollenhove
  • Hans van Kruchten, Draaksteken Beesel
  • Fatima Oulad Thami, Hennakunst
  • Bram Poldervaart MA, Brielse Maskerade
  • Cees Pronk, Smeden in Andelst
  • Ir. Lex Roeleveld, Heggenvlechten
  • Prof. dr. Bernard (B.H.) Stolte, Groningens Ontzet
  • Karel Willems MSc, Zomercarnaval Rotterdam
  • Pauline Willemse, Diamantbewerken

Annual Reports

In the menu to the right, under 'Documents', you will find the annual reports of the Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage. For the financial accounts we refer to the annual report of the Dutch Open Air Museum. 

Management Board

Mr B. (Teus) Eenkhoorn, director

Supervisory Board

  • Mr Th.C. (Thom) de Graaf, Vice-President of the Council of State (Chair)
  • Mr M. (Marc) Adriani, media entrepreneur
  • Mr C. (Chris) Breedveld, Grandmaster of the Royal Household
  • Ms Y. (Yasemin) Cegerek, councillor in the municipality of Heerde, former member of the House of Representatives
  • Ms R.P. (Patricia) Hoytink-Roubos, mayor of the municipality of Overbetuwe, Vice-President of VNG Gelderland
  • Ms E. (Ester) van Eupen, Chief People Officer of Spacewell
  • Mr E.M. (Engelhardt) Robbe, former CQO of Deloitte and member of the Board of Directors and former CFO of NS Groep NV
  • Ms A.S.M. (Rian) Vreeburg, former member of the board of ANWB Hulpverlening
  • Ms G.Y. (Yvonne) van der Zee, supervision and management of culture and cultural heritage, former cultural advisor and developer at QC

Annual reports

In the menu on the right you will find the annual reports of the Netherlands Intangible Heritage Knowledge Center under 'Documents'. For the financial accountability we refer to the annual report of the Netherlands Open Air Museum .

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