The Inventory Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in the Netherlands contains ICH of which the communities, groups or individuals involved have written a safeguarding plan. Those plans are reviewed by an independent review committee. Every three years an evaluation of the safeguarding takes place.


The 8 October Vereeniging Alkmaar Ontzet (October 8th Relief of Alkmaar Association) organises a festive programme around the commemoration and celebration of the siege and relief of Alkmaar in 1573. The core values of the tradition are commemoration, celebration and connection. On October 7th, children from varying primary schools represent the siege and the relief of the city. Subsequently, the chairman of the October 8th Association and the mayor lay a wreath at the statue of Victorientje, in the Victory Park. Immediately after this some 2000 primary school pupils walk in a lantern procession. The municipality of Alkmaar meanwhile gives a ‘new year reception’ in the Great or Saint Lawrence Church. October 8th starts with a breakfast for the fifth and sixth classes of primary schools and there is a theatrical storytelling about the siege and relief of the city. Afterwards activities like children’s games take place at various sites in the city and there are demonstrations by the navy and the fire brigade in and around the North-Holland Canal. The municipality, the October 8th Association and guests take the parade of the passing youth procession. At noon the memorial service in the Great Church takes place, with the Relief Speech. The highlight of the Relief of Alkmaar is the big afternoon parade. At the end of the day some 3000 inhabitants of Alkmaar enjoy the sauerkraut meal. This is followed by a tattoo, fireworks and the closing Relief Party.



The Relief of Alkmaar is celebrated by virtually everyone in Alkmaar. Children are already involved at an early age through the primary schools. A teaching package has been made as well. There are activities for young people and adults. The association conducts an active policy to involve inhabitants of surrounding villages and ‘new’ inhabitants of Alkmaar. The tradition is organised by the board of the October 8th Association, which manages the approximately four hundred volunteers. The association itself has around 5000 members. The Poirterij der Stede van Alkmaar, a group of local entrepreneurs, focuses on fundraising. The festivities are visited by some 30,000 people each year.



The siege of Alkmaar was the besieging of the city of Alkmaar during the Eighty Years’ War by the army of Don Fadrique, son of the Duke of Alva. The Spanish army had to give up after William of Orange had given the order to pierce the dikes. City carpenter Maarten van der Meij transported the preserved reports on little notes in a hollow vaulting pole. Alkmaar was the first city that resisted the siege and was relieved. Hence the slogan: ‘The Victory begins in Alkmaar.’  After 1573 the Relief of Alkmaar was spontaneously celebrated with drinks and fireworks and there was no organised celebration. In 1861 the ‘Association for the Celebration of the Memorial Day of the Relief of Alkmaar in 1573 and for the preservation of other historical memories of this city’ was established. The celebration consisted of popular games, a festive speech and a festive evening. At the beginning of the twentieth century the feast was extended in order to appeal to a wider target group. By adding or indeed leaving out activities, the festival kept up-to-date. Commemorating, connecting and celebrating, however, keep forming the red line. There is a mix of old and new elements within the tradition. The sauerkraut meal, for instance, is a rather recent addition, with a nod to the Relief of Leiden. An old tradition that has been hung on to, is the clothing of the board members, which gentlemen are still dressed in tailcoats and top hats. The clothing of the female board members, however, is in fact a modern interpretation of this.



8 October Vereeniging Alkmaar Ontzet
Postbus 3068