The Dr. Albert van der Zeijden thesis prize award ceremony, February 16, 2023

On February 16, 2023, the Dr. Albert van der Zeijden thesis prize will be awarded in Utrecht. The prize is awarded by the Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in collaboration with Utrecht University to a student who wrote an excellent thesis with intangible cultural heritage as the main theme. The Dutch Centre and Utrecht University cordially invite you to attend.

Start time: 5:15 PM, doors open at 5:00 PM

Location: Utrecht University, Janskerkhof 2-3, Room 0.13, 3512 BK Utrecht

Registration for this event is mandatory, it can be done through this link.

The Dr. Albert van der Zeijden thesis prize is being awarded for the first time this year by Utrecht University and the Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in order to stimulate research on intangible cultural heritage. At the beginning of the program, attention will be paid to the life and work of Albert van der Zeijden, followed by the announcement of the winner of the prize. Subsequently, Heritage Studies professor Rodney Harrison will give a lecture entitled Rethinking heritage and museums in and for the clima te emergency, followed by a Q&A. Afterward, there will be room to talk with each other while enjoying a drink.

Albert van der Zeijden
Albert van der Zeijden (1957-2021) was a historian who worked for almost 35 years in the world of intangible cultural heritage and folk culture and held many positions. In recent years, Albert van der Zeijden was head of the Research & Development team at the Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage. As Research Fellow Heritage Studies, Van der Zeijden was affiliated with Utrecht University, where he supervised students with their theses. He was also active internationally, for example within the ICH-NGO Forum, where he coordinated the Working Group Research.


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