The Inventory Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in the Netherlands contains ICH of which the communities, groups or individuals involved have written a safeguarding plan. Those plans are reviewed by an independent review committee. Every three years an evaluation of the safeguarding takes place.


Through morse one can communicate. The signals of the morse code, which are intermittently transmitted, represent letters, punctuation marks and numbers. The code can also be received, of course. It consists of dots and dashes, dits and dahs that are heard at reception. The code is decoded and thus a written document is constructed. Morse signals can be sent out in various manners, for instance as an audio signal. A radio signal is switched on and off for this purpose. The signals can be transmitted as an electric pulse through a telegraph wire. They can also be sent out mechanically, as visible signal, for instance with a signal lamp. Nowadays only radio amateurs use the morse code to communicate with each other. At radio competitions radio amateurs try to establish as many contacts as possible with each other, within a certain predetermined time-stretch. One communicates not only about techniques then, but also about private matters. There are radio amateurs who are in contact with each other every day to exchange the latest news facts.



Radio amateurs in the Netherlands are united in the Society for Experimental Research in the Netherlands (Dutch abbreviation: VERON), the Dutch section of Region I of the International Amateur Radio Union (ARU). The VERON has momentarily eight thousand members. Dutch Scouting organises special weekends for radio amateurs and scouts. The Museum Jan Corver for radio transmission amateurism in Budel has a large collection with regard to morse.



The morse code was developed in 1835 by Samuel Morse, with the objective to use it for telegraphy. With telegraphy one can only choose from electric or non-electric. When one pushes the key down, there is power. Furthermore one can choose the duration of power, long or short. The use of morse became important for several social sectors: post and telegraph offices, railways, defence, exchange and banking sector, scientific research and radio amateurs. The use of the morse code was vastly extended after the Titanic disaster in 1912. After this catastrophic event official protocols were drafted on the way of communication. In World War I the first telegraphy troops were deployed. By the introduction of satellite communication and internet there is less need of the use of morse and it has virtually completely lost its purpose. The VERON was established on October 21th 1945, for the promotion of the practise of amateur radio communication. The radio amateurs are busy experimenting, for their hobby, in the field of transmission and reception of radio and/or television signals.



Driepoortenweg 35
6827 BP